
The Windows Notification CLI is a small project that enables users to conveniently set a reminder that will pop up as an alarm in Windows 10 (not tested on 11). This runs in the terminal, meaning you don’t need to have a browser tab open to keep track of time or to have another application open; a simple PowerShell instance will suffice! Features include:

How to Use Dead by Daylight Stats Tracker CLI

Using this CLI is super simple:

First, you need to find the AppUserModelId of the version of Python you have on your computer. This is usually not an actual Microsoft-provided ID, but rather a file location to the Python executable. To find the executable, open PowerShell and enter in get-StartApps | Where-Object {$_.Name -like '*Python*'} and hit enter. You should see some options that look like this:

Screenshot 2021-12-18 190018.png

You want to copy the AppID of Python 3.X (XX-bit) and copy it into the argument in line 43 before running ANY reminders.

Whenever you want to set a reminder, first point the terminal to the source of the python file, then in the first argument pass in the title (substitute spaces with underscores, the interpreter will change them back), the second argument should be the body of the reminder, and the last argument is a number that tells the program to show the reminder after X minutes.

<aside> 💡 If you still get an error or you don’t see a Toast/Notification showing in the action centre, try adding double slashes in the argument of line 43 in the file, sometimes that solves the problem!



Future Updates

In the near-future I will add a Pomodoro technique timer to the CLI to make it easier for students to cram for exams :)

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