
The DBD Stats Tracker CLI is a small project that enables users to keep track of what killers and survivors they have faced in a simple and convenient manner. This is useful and simple to quickly add how many Trapper's you've faced against, for example. The CLI is updated to Dead by Daylight version 5.2.2. ****Features include:

How to Use Dead by Daylight Stats Tracker CLI

Using this CLI is super simple:

First, you need to change the directory of your powershell (or any other terminal) to where the python file "" is located. (Note that the Python and JSON file MUST be in the same working directory, preferably in a folder with nothing else in it)

<aside> 💡 Example addition to database:

Say you faced a Wraith in a game. This is how you would make an addition to the database:

  1. First, you would cd into the directory where the python file is located
  2. in the terminal, you would write the following statements and hit enter:
    1. python3 edit survivor Wraith --val +1 --match_number +1
  3. To confirm the changes have taken place, you would write python3 survivor show all </aside>

<aside> 💡 Example addition to database (pt. 2):

Say you hunted a Nancy, Kate, and Nea in a game. This is how you would make an addition to the database:

  1. First, you would cd into the directory where the python file is located
  2. In the terminal, you would write the following statements and hit enter:
    1. python3 edit killer Nancy --val +1
    2. python3 edit killer Kate --val +1
    3. python3 edit killer Nea --val +1 --match_number +1
  3. To confirm the changes have taken place, you would write python3 show killer all </aside>